To build all tests please do the following: Starting from the main CVS checkout locations 1. # build the prerequisite OOoRunner.jar in qadevOOo needed for building java tests cd qadevOOo build deliver cd .. # now to run the bridges tests 2. cd bridges/tests 3. # builds the TestBed java class needed by later tests cd com/sun/star/lib/ dmake cd ../../../ 4. # to build a number of java bridge passing tests cd java_uno/acquire dmake cd ../any dmake cd ../equals/ dmake cd ../../ 5. # to build inter component exception throw/catch test cd inter_libs_exc dmake cd ../ 6. # to build the performance tests cd performance dmake cd .. 7. # to build the main C++ tests dmake 8. # to build and *run* java remote tests cd com/sun/star/lib/uno/bridges/java_remote dmake To actually run the remainder of the tests you should do the following 1. # move to the bridges module output tree into bin cd bridges/unx*.pro/bin 2. # augment your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to add the local output tree lib directory # for most unix setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:../ # for MacOSX setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}:../ 3. # run the tests # java bridge tests ./TestJni ./TestRemote ./testequals # exception throw catch test ./inter #performance test ./testperformance # client serve java_uno tests ./testacquire-server & ./testacquire-client fg Cntl-C # other tests ./testsameprocess localhost:2083