Back to issue 65103

Who When What Removed Added
nesshof 2006-08-28 13:40:36 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.0.4 OOo 2.1
pavel 2006-11-10 09:26:52 UTC CC '' 'obr'
nospam4obr 2006-11-10 09:55:45 UTC CC 'obr' 'md,mt,obr'
mdxonefour 2006-11-10 10:45:51 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.1 OOo 2.2
mdxonefour 2006-11-10 10:47:15 UTC Assignee zoomtext dr
daniel.rentz 2006-11-30 10:25:15 UTC Status NEW STARTED
daniel.rentz 2006-12-19 14:23:03 UTC Status STARTED RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
daniel.rentz 2007-01-10 13:15:23 UTC Assignee dr kla
thomas.klarhoefer 2007-01-18 12:21:30 UTC Status RESOLVED VERIFIED
thomas.klarhoefer 2007-02-08 14:22:02 UTC Status VERIFIED CLOSED

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