Wed Jun 12 2024 16:01:43 UTC
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20 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
123442 General security issues UNCO --- Cannot view certificates when using hardware token 2013-10-16
126499 General security security UNCO --- Cache Default Password for use with Password-Protected Files 2017-05-20
127942 General security security UNCO --- Recent documents - clear list only hides entries but do not delete it in real 2018-11-22
128195 General security security UNCO --- Password setting and inserting fail. 2019-09-09
127661 General security security CONF --- SHA1/MD5 in sal/rtl/source/digest.c give invalid results for some inputs (ODF interop issues) 2023-10-05
120335 General security issues CONF --- Password for protecting contents is not working properly 2017-05-20
121886 General security issues CONF --- power failure sometimes deletes user settings 2014-02-27
122810 General security issues CONF --- Tools-Options-OpenOffice-Security-Macro security crashes OpenOffice 4.0.0 under Vista 2014-02-28
108283 General security security CONF --- Is it possible to grey out the macro-secutity in optionsmenu? 2017-05-20
112820 General security security CONF --- Signing a document cuase OOo hang for 40s 2017-05-20
118900 General security security CONF --- can not import cert' from FireFox v9 or v10 into OOO 3.3 on OS X 10.7.3 2017-05-20
118930 General security security CONF --- Edit file without password input after save 2017-05-20
118932 General security security CONF --- read-only file have a lazy to change status 2017-05-20
118933 General security security CONF --- "Open file read-only" checkbox has no control 2017-05-20
118934 General security security CONF --- protect sheet not be choosed after save file with edit password 2017-05-20
118937 General security security CONF --- open file with no password, File will change to read-only mode after click "Edit File " button 2017-05-20
119152 General security security CONF --- creating seperating temp files for images for password protected document (if contains images) 2017-05-20
119214 General security security CONF --- Saving in ODF 1.1/1.2 Default Encryptions should omit optional items defined by default 2020-11-15
121133 General security security CONF --- some online company misrepresenting yours! 2017-05-20
125846 General security security CONF --- Browser Launching of AOO for ODF document raises Security Warning 2017-05-20
20 issues found.


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